3 Reasons Why ClearCorrect Braces Are Better than Traditional Braces
Crooked, misaligned teeth can negatively impact the appearance of your smile as well as the functionality of your bite. In the past, people who had these issues were typically given braces to realign their teeth. However, if you visit your dentist in Central City KY, you may find that you can straighten your teeth with ClearCorrect braces, which are significantly different than traditional braces. Here’s what you need to know about ClearCorrect.
1. Minimal Disruption to Your Appearance
Traditional braces have a metallic appearance that can impact your smile. This has made traditional braces a less than ideal option for children and adults. ClearCorrect in Central City KY is made from clear plastic resin that only minimally impacts your appearance.
ClearCorrect braces are very hard to see, even from up close. When you use ClearCorrect, you can rest assured that most people won’t know the difference, and will not be able to tell you’re wearing braces at all.
2. Eat Whatever You Want
Traditional braces can be easily broken by certain hard and crunchy foods. In addition, sticky foods can easily become stuck in traditional braces.
Because traditional braces can’t be taken off for meals, this means that the person wearing the braces must refrain from eating certain crunchy and sticky foods. ClearCorrect braces can be removed, which means you can eat just about anything you want when you use them.
3. Easy to Clean Your Teeth
Unlike traditional braces, ClearCorrect braces can be removed to be cleaned. You can also take off ClearCorrect to make cleaning your teeth easier as well.
Want to know more about getting ClearCorrect braces for your mouth? Contact David S.Morehead Family Dentistry. We can help!